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08.12.2018 - 21:52 icq IP: logged quote

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08.12.2018 - 21:08 email icq IP: logged quote

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08.12.2018 - 20:44 email icq IP: logged quote

I can&#8217;t believe Carino called me a bloviatah&#8211;that&#8217;s not much love from a fellow paisan. I still don&#8217;t undehstand, Carino, why you have a blog devoted to basketball all year. Don&#8217;t you know basketball only mattahs from around March 16 to April 5? That&#8217;s the only time I follow it.Uhhhh, Eddie, look up how many hits Carino gets with that blog of his. . . Heeeere&#8217;s the Mink Man.

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