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CStanley I simply don&#39;t see any track record for government management of anything which would indicate a reason for greater confidence. Just because Obama&#39;s throwing a billion dollars at it doesn&#39;t mean that this will result in good decisions being made. When government gets involved, the profit motive doesn&#39;t go away, it just shifts to the politically connected benefactors.Sure, govt management of a simple distribution of a commodity like water is reasonably effective- you don&#39;t have the level of complexity of decisions involved there that are present in healthcare delivery. So, I still reject your analogy, it&#39;s apples to oranges.

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Sean, back when I played SCA there were some who had no problem with firearms, balanced by a LOT of people with &#39;romantic&#39; notions of fighting. Including the aforementioned idiocy of &quot;Slicing burglar good/shooting burglar bad&quot;. And that was in OK/TX. Hopefully it&#39;s changed for the better.Oleg, that&#39;s another of the problems I have with &quot;I&#39;ll use my sword/axe/big-ass knife if someone breaks in/attacks me!&quot;: if you&#39;re close enough to reach them with it, they&#39;re close enough to reach YOU, and I&#39;d rather avoid that.

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